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Nov 1, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I'm curious.....

God created Adam and Eve.
Adam had 2 sons: Cain and Abel.
Cain kills Abel.


So how did more babies get born? Who was Cain's wife?


Aug 22, 2005
India, Port Blair
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I think by advertising that he is an ex sikh who has made it he is showing that he has made abetter choice and we all are somehow fools who have made not so good ones. Well Rajs- hope you have reached your station in life/ have arrived so to say. Because from your words........... it doesnt seem like..it seems like youre still looking for mates on your lonely choice?


Apr 6, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

adam and eve r fake
science already proved these 2 werent the first 2 on earth


Oct 8, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

In defence of my faith I would like to state that interpreting "the elect of God" as a chosen few for salvation is only one side of a continuous arguement within Christianity.
Many (in cluding me) believe that whoever asks for salvation though Jesus Christ will receive it. The "elect" in this theory are those who (in His infinate knowledge) God already knows will call out to Him. He does not, however, interfere with our free will of who will and will not call.
Also the doctrine of "children of Christ is foreign to me. Paul tells us that we are all sons (or daughters) of God and threfore joint heirs with Christ Romans 8:17


Oct 8, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I'm curious.....

God created Adam and Eve.
Adam had 2 sons: Cain and Abel.
Cain kills Abel.


So how did more babies get born? Who was Cain's wife?

Seth was also Eve and Adam's son. They like all the antediluvians "had other sons and daughters." This means (as creepy as it is) that Cains wive was his sister.
Jul 30, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...


If das is not mistaken,there is a verse in New Testment where Lord Jesus did say to his Father Lord God that I had only those who you gave me.Actual one who acted in Lord Jesus,the son was Father.One form of that Father ,the holy Ghost(Ruh E Muqadus or Ruh Al Quddus) decended unto Great followers one the day of penticost,the way it happened when Lord Recived it in the form of dove after getting baptised from John the Baptisit.

But god by self came to Saul making him Paul.

Lord is omnipotand and can salvage biggest of sinner,when ever God wants that person to be salvaged.
glory be to lord Hale Lu Zah Ameen.


May 28, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I think I remember posting a reply in this thread, but I can't seem to find it on the search function, so I'll just repeat myself for good measure in the hope that someone might be interested.

If Raj feels as though he's found an inner peace by following the faith of Christianity, then he has my best wishes and my sincerest congratulations.

I was, however, interested as to Raj's reasoning. It would seem that Jesus' promise that death could be overcome - albeit, through believing in Jesus himself - is one of the primary reasons as to why Raj was attracted to Christianity's offer of eternal life.

Just so that Raj and anyone else who is interested in this topic are aware, Sikkhism's stance on death is that it is no object. Sikkhi says that the Universe is One, and that we are all a part of that One. The matter that makes up our bodies are all part of the greater fabric of the cosmos, and so what we perceive as 'death' is essentially just a transformation of energy. The 'death' of a human being becomes little more than a small rift in the vast cosmic waves in the grand ocean of the universe.

Whilst this is not as literal and overtly Romantic as the idea of physically living forever, upon some thought, I think it's an idea that actually has significantly more prevelance over a superficial immortality.


Because a human being can only believe in himself as an isolated object for so long. Human beings are, by scientific fact, little more than a small product of a huge and seemingly indifferent cosmos. What Sikkhism says is that, instead of believing in myths and stories and promises of eternal life, that true and long-lasting bliss comes from accepting that we - as human beings - are a part of the Great One.

And, to quote Forest Gump, "that's all I have to say about that" ;)

Niku 38

Aug 6, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

why are we still answering this questions on why a sikh has become a christian, yes it his choice so best of luck , but don't try to explain it, every individual has a choice which they will have to live and will only know if it correct when they pass over as we are all judged. Personally , people are born into a faith for a god given reason and we should accept that.
When we are looking at other faiths and change then we are simply WEAK, and are sucomming to a our own weak personal issues.Khalsa are born strong, live strong, and there is no other faith like on earth, and if individuals do not realise how unique sikhism is then you are more lost than you think. Be STRONG AND FIND OUT WHAT & WHO YOU ARE, that simple, you will never feel the need to change faiths.


May 28, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

why are we still answering this questions on why a sikh has become a christian

Why not?

This is a discussion forum, and this issue makes for interesting discussion.

yes it his choice so best of luck , but don't try to explain it, every individual has a choice which they will have to live and will only know if it correct when they pass over as we are all judged.

"Judged"? Who says we're going to be "judged"? Surely that's not an objective statement :wink:

Personally , people are born into a faith for a god given reason and we should accept that.
When we are looking at other faiths and change then we are simply WEAK, and are sucomming to a our own weak personal issues.

Is it weakness to question one's beliefs, or is it weakness to be too afraid to question?

Is it weakness to venture into the unknown, or is it weakness to be scared to step foot outside one's comfort zone?

Is it weakness to face condemnation and discrimination from your community in the search for Truth, or is it weakness to be too cowardly to face the disdain of a cold world?

I know that if Guru Nanak had not done any of the above, we wouldn't even be calling ourselves Sikkhs.

Khalsa are born strong, live strong, and there is no other faith like on earth, and if individuals do not realise how unique sikhism is then you are more lost than you think.

You need to read more history books. And you need to dial down your ego.

The Khalsa are unique in many respects, of course. But neither the immensity of their struggles nor the valour of their warrior philosophy were entirely unheard of in world history.

Just as a small example, you might be interested to click here, and see a small clip as to how 300 Spartans fought an army of 2.5 million Persians. Like the Khalsa, they had accepted death as a foregone conclusion, and fought like no-one in history had fought before or since - rivalled only by the Singhs of Guru Gobind Singh himself.

Be STRONG AND FIND OUT WHAT & WHO YOU ARE, that simple, you will never feel the need to change faiths.

To take from my good friend Randip Singh's signature quote:

"Let no man be proud because of his caste/race.
For the man who has God in his heart, he alone is the true Brahmin.
O stupid fool, be not proud of your caste/race, by this pride many sins arise.
Everyone says there are four castes/races, but they are all created from the Lords seed.
All men are moulded from the same clay, but the potter has fashioned it into vessels of numerous forms.
By joining the five elements, the form of the body is made, no one can say that the element is less in one and more in another" Pg 1128 SGGS

This talks of the pride people harbour for themselves on the basis of their ancestoral history. People who think that they are somehow "more righteous" because they were born into it.

What Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught us is that no man is born into nobility.

He earns it.


Nov 13, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

I dont know about jesus neither want to know, first let christians decide wheather he was son of a god or god if he is a son of a god i am also son of a good if he is a god why he killed liked a dog where were his magical powers.
there is one god akaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

Sat Sri Akal J

First of all it is very impolite to mention Jesus Christ died like a dog. In sikhism we do have hiest respect for other peoples faith . We do not ever intend tou hurt any ones centiments.

Secondly Jesus came and gave us all good directions to live a most loving life and teached us the biggest asset to forgive some one who has committed a crime or caused a pains.Jesus Christ was a son of God or not but defenetly I agreed with you that he was son of God like you and me , we all are childeren of God. But that time people missunderstood Him and he was forced by the most jealous priest who had business of collecting money by taking God's name which Jesus objected such practices. They all went the Roman Governor and complain about ruining thier business. Roamn asked the what you want us to with Him . They all shouted crucify him . So He was.

But the point is His memeory still stayed with people because His teachings are full love and human respect. I am a sikh but I respect all the prophets un the world and follow my Shri Guru NanakDev ji's teaching. Guru Nanak Dev ji 's teaching went vry high which teaches that we all come fron one light and no one is bad or good by birth. That is difference which we follow.you do not a mediator or gurudwara to reach out Akal purkh . Every one can directly address their prayer directly to Akal purkh. I ahve never seen a such a teaching any where in the world.We are not allowed to believe in cast system. But we do????.We are not supposed to worship idol or pictures.But yes we do????.We all became very hypocrate which absolutly against sikh rules.

So the best thing is to rectify yourself than the the rest of the world .

Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

Jesus taught "The truth shall set you free."

Guru Nanak taught "Aaad sach, jugad sach, etc.

sukhmani sahib reaches sat sat sat

Seheskriti teaches, Sadhsang sneh, Satyang sutyan basant Nanakeh

Jaidev taught"Sat aad bhav ratang.

Sacha tera hukam in Asa Ki vaar.

Paul taught that we should study to show ourselves approved of God. We should study the scriptures. What is scriptures? It written recordings of learning about reality from pious people.


Oct 8, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

Dear H.T,
Unfortunately, your priest also teachers that all Christian's are children of Christ! And Christ is the son of God.!

In Sikhi, we are all children of God.

Dont forget that the words in the Christian Bible are not the direct words as spoken by Jesus. The bible - the old and new testament was not written until hundreds of years later. Same concept applies to Islam.

[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Even if some lost scrolls are found, Churches do not make them too public as they contradict whats written in the Bible.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif,sans-serif]Source:The Sikhism Home Page: Sikhism and Other Religions[/FONT][/SIZE]


Salvation for the 'choosen people'. Sikhism believes anyone can achieve salvation irrespective of the religion that they follow if they endear God in their heart and daily

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]actions.
Christian concept of Jesus as son of God. Sikhism regards all as the children of God.
Infant baptism. In Sikhism child baptism into the Khalsa brotherhood is discouraged. One should only become a Khalsa when they are able to fully understand the duties and responsibilities.

True, Jeshuah didn't write the new testament, but niether was it written hundreds of years later. There is more manuscript evidence for the New Testament than for any other period writing. The oldest manuscripts we have are indeed hundreds of years old, but there are many of them implying
a preexcistence of the matterial within.
Also the 'Church fathers' (early Christian writers from the generation directly following the Apostles) quote the vast majority of what is now the New Testament canon.
The old testament is a little more complecated. There are names of positions and people in the Old Testament that had been long forgotten by the hundreds of years A.D. when you claim the O.T. was written. The O.T., however, translitterates these nearly perfectly (Nebuchanezar/Nebucharezar is just one letter and in Hebrew a Resh and a Nem are very similar.
I dare you to point out one older, newly discovered manuscript that contradicts and discredits the Canon as it stands.

The doctrine of predestination is hardly accepted by the Christian community as a whole.

Infant baptism is a heresy in that there is no scripture mandating it. Just like you said, people can only come to Christ after they understand what they're doing.

I don't mean to be nitpicky; I just want to give the evidence and knowedge i have (small though it be).
Jul 10, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

True, Jeshuah didn't write the new testament, but niether was it written hundreds of years later. There is more manuscript evidence for the New Testament than for any other period writing. The oldest manuscripts we have are indeed hundreds of years old, but there are many of them implying
a preexcistence of the matterial within.
Also the 'Church fathers' (early Christian writers from the generation directly following the Apostles) quote the vast majority of what is now the New Testament canon.
The old testament is a little more complecated. There are names of positions and people in the Old Testament that had been long forgotten by the hundreds of years A.D. when you claim the O.T. was written. The O.T., however, translitterates these nearly perfectly (Nebuchanezar/Nebucharezar is just one letter and in Hebrew a Resh and a Nem are very similar.
I dare you to point out one older, newly discovered manuscript that contradicts and discredits the Canon as it stands.

The doctrine of predestination is hardly accepted by the Christian community as a whole.

Infant baptism is a heresy in that there is no scripture mandating it. Just like you said, people can only come to Christ after they understand what they're doing.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I don't mean to be nitpicky; I just want to give the evidence and knowedge i have (small though it be).[/FONT]

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

I made my comment previously because of:

I cant remember offhand the exact name - its something like "lost scroll of St Thomas or Gospel of Thomas" . A TV program documentary was even shown quite awhile ago. The Catholic establishment wont accept the contents for obvious reason's.
Remember, they EVEN made a Hollywood MOVIE out of it!!!. It states in some lines a similar concept to Gods existance's as Sikhs believe's. But obviously this is too much for many Christians to bare and therefore deny the contents of it.

The second again was shown recently on TV documentary! Quite a few pagers were discovered, the one's that were not burnt for firewood by the desert dwellers wife's. They were several scrolls discovered HIDDEN in a vase in the desert or somewhere like that. Its translations are on the WWW. This is the one, if I recall correctly, shows the importance of Mary Magdeline(hope I got the name correct) in Jesus's life among other things which alot of christians also deny.!

Thirdly, the scriptures of the Bible compared to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and the general belief of the Christians to put it mildly.

To tell you the Truth,
its the ex-Sikh's LOST for NOT realising the priceless gem he had, I guess due to IGNORANCE.!

I know enough of other religions and the authencity of their scriptures to know what Sikhs have in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.


Unfortunately, the reality is, other religion followers keep on coming out of the woodwork , trying to convert the Sikhs. The 'weak' and 'ignaramous' amongst us, alas, are 'herded' away like lost sheep.

Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

Even amongst the Sikhs, most are ignorant of what is written in the Guru Granth Sahib. They memorize shabads and learn a minute of their meanings. It depends on who teaches them. Mzny sikhs are blind followers of pakandi hypocritical Baba Ji Sants who are supported by the Indian Brahman govermnent to Hinduize the Sikhs or to get them to lose their identity. they perform superstitious akhanda paaths, reading too fast, nobody listening or understanding. Too much emphasis on respect and cleanliness and no emphasis on understanding. It's stupid. Have you visited a church that has public Bible reading 40 pages per hour?

There is one organization formed in California, USA that is devoting time to teach people the meanings in the Guru Granth Sahib through radio programs and door to door parchar. Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc. registered non profit. You can reach them at 510-432-5827. They don't ask for contributions, they only collect without asking, because there are too many religious beggars.
Jul 10, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

Even amongst the Sikhs, most are ignorant of what is written in the Guru Granth Sahib. They memorize shabads and learn a minute of their meanings. It depends on who teaches them. Mzny sikhs are blind followers of pakandi hypocritical Baba Ji Sants who are supported by the Indian Brahman govermnent to Hinduize the Sikhs or to get them to lose their identity. they perform superstitious akhanda paaths, reading too fast, nobody listening or understanding. Too much emphasis on respect and cleanliness and no emphasis on understanding. It's stupid. Have you visited a church that has public Bible reading 40 pages per hour?

There is one organization formed in California, USA that is devoting time to teach people the meanings in the Guru Granth Sahib through radio programs and door to door parchar. Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc. registered non profit. You can reach them at 510-432-5827. They don't ask for contributions, they only collect without asking, because there are too many religious beggars.

Yes, Phenji I do agree with you. Just look at http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/hard-talk/14584-why-some-gurdwaras-are-failing.html
recently posted.

What can be done about this? Besides the homefront, changes have to be made in the Gurdwara too.

Sad affairs to say the least.


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

it is absolutly irrelvent who wrote and what any one said .todays time in 21st centuries we are much educated than those savage people before BC or earlier . the mosr important thing is believe in one God and respect your own beings. live and let live policy. stop playing politics with people . follow sikh teaching which is latest in the existances. thanks you are all set to lead a peacefull life.



Oct 8, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I grew up in a family of Christians on one side and Sikhs on the other. I was generally caught in the crossfire (pun intended).

To this day, I can make no sense out of Christianity, as I am told that anything I don't understand is a 'mystery' and must simply be accepted - or my loving heavenly father would see to it that I was tortured for all eternity.

I have never been told anything like this by the Sikhs. I have always valued that Sikhi didn't insult my intelligence, such as it is.

Now, in my fifties, I have been forced to slow down. For the first time in my life, I have the chance to take the time to seriously consider these things. I have picked up a lot of information froim this particular thread.

I hope I have not insulted anyone's beliefs in here, but this is actually what I have been told repeatedly.

Thanks to all.

Hi, Mai,
In your Christian family members' defense, they were probably only telling you, "It's a mystery," to cover their own lack of knowledge and faith. Christians tend to want people to think that they're perfect. That's complete crap; we're no more righteous than a Satanist, we're just trusting in God to remove our evil thoughts and deed, though Jeshuah of Nazareth.
seeking after God


Oct 8, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

I made my comment previously because of:

I cant remember offhand the exact name - its something like "lost scroll of St Thomas or Gospel of Thomas" . A TV program documentary was even shown quite awhile ago. The Catholic establishment wont accept the contents for obvious reason's.
Remember, they EVEN made a Hollywood MOVIE out of it!!!. It states in some lines a similar concept to Gods existance's as Sikhs believe's. But obviously this is too much for many Christians to bare and therefore deny the contents of it.

The second again was shown recently on TV documentary! Quite a few pagers were discovered, the one's that were not burnt for firewood by the desert dwellers wife's. They were several scrolls discovered HIDDEN in a vase in the desert or somewhere like that. Its translations are on the WWW. This is the one, if I recall correctly, shows the importance of Mary Magdeline(hope I got the name correct) in Jesus's life among other things which alot of christians also deny.!

Thirdly, the scriptures of the Bible compared to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and the general belief of the Christians to put it mildly.

To tell you the Truth, its the ex-Sikh's LOST for NOT realising the priceless gem he had, I guess due to IGNORANCE.!
I'm not too good ad posting, so please bare with me in my weakness.
Tomas was a chauvanistic loser.
"Lord, banish Mary from our presence; for she is a woman and women are not worthy to live."
The Jesus replied, "Do not fear, Tomas, I will lead Mary so that she will become a man and be worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
This is so off base. The fact that there were women in Jesus' inner circle in such a chovanistic society proves that He did think Women "unworthy of life." Not to mention, as Creator, He made women.
The Gospel of Tomas is more useful as toilet paper than as scripture.
Next, the fact that this woman had the only copy, tells us that few of Jesus' follower agreed with this gospel.
I believe this one is the Gospel of Mary Magdelnenna. (My brother and i call it the gospel of mary jane). In the Old Law, premaridal sex is frowned upon, so for Jesus to do so would destroy his righteousness and God would fall from power.

Please don't see me as the enemy, I respect your culture, but i also need to tell of salvation.​
Seeking after God


Jan 21, 2007
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith...

In few
words ,,,,,Jesus said Come to me i take you to God, it means we have to wait long time to see jesus and then he will take us to God , as a middleman . we all know middleman is not a decision maker. Guru Nanak saidI will show a way that anybody,rich or poor, sinner like us can meet the God with out any middleman.
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