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Oct 8, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Dear H.T., You sound like a muslim here by saying "I must return to my own God and His will for me." dont you?

All on this earth have only one GOD hence "EK ONGKAR" is the opening statement in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Its a shame that you did not read the Mool Mantar in this forum.

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh
I used the phrase "my God" to show my personal commitment to the God of the universes, the God of Abel, Enoch, King David, and Jesus Himself.
Jul 10, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I used the phrase "my God" to show my personal commitment to the God of the universes, the God of Abel, Enoch, King David, and Jesus Himself.

Oh really!,

Well Good luck on your journey back to your God.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Mar 22, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Dear Mr. Christian Salesman,
Jesus is not even his name. Its Joshua or Yeshua. Christ is a title like Guru. When this saint speaks, he speaks of spirit not the flesh. There is no difference between Christ and Guru except that most of what is written of the first has been manipulated and distorted by unenligtened men and women who sought power and worldly wealth-Kings, Emperor's, Queen's, Popes, Bishops and Cardinals, Ministers and Priest.
Jesus (Yeshua) is the most over used person probably in human history or at least in the last 2,000 years. Even war is justified by his followers!
Nations were forged in his name.
God, on the other hand is truly the Doer (Sat Kartar). He loves HIS creation and sends his messenger into the world when the world is out of balance.
To not use the Lord's Name in Vain is a commandment that Moses gave.
When you manipulate to get power using the name of Jesus or a god you are very vain.
To not find the Truth and to rely on men for the direction is hell!
Guru Nanak's name means 'humility'. Na Nak (no ego)
Yeshua means - savior of his people
The "Sermon on the Mount" (Matthew 5) is the real teachings of Jesus.
All this other divinity worship is missing the point.
Yeah, he probably realized that he and God are ONE. So did Guru Nanak Dev ji. So did Buddha (but he didn't have to speak about it) HE LIVED IT!
You, my dear fellow human are no where near the Truth. You, like many Christians are arrogant and egoistic.
To remember God is to do HIS Will (on earth as it is in heaven)
Do you know who tempts you and leads you towards evil? GOD!
"....lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil....." a Jewish prayer
To follow a saint is an act of devotion and a blessed life. Bow deeply before a man of spirit.
If you can't see God in all, You can't see God at all!

Cherdi Kala!

Sat Hanuman Singh Khalsa

Niku 38

Aug 6, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

you Know I am amazed at how people from other religions always have the need to justify which religion is "the best", and this aricle is clearly doing this.Perhaps they are frightened that Gurudwara are always full & church go's are declining.listen my friends, Sikhs in history have alway fought for fairness and honesty, they have never fought for greed but the truth, lets look at Chrisianity quickly.
  1. Firstly the bible was wriiten almost 300yrs after Jesus death,by the supposed appostles.
  2. The bible is a biased story of christ and there is no physical evidence of any of Jesus's acts including the resurection at all, even the spear of destiny is missing-hitler was after this & never found it.
  3. Chrisianity is blood soaked through out history ie the christian crusades (both), this is still the main cause of problems today, not forgetting European mass burnings in medeival times.
  4. was the "miracles" performed by Jesus true? lets be honest here, not likely.
  5. Christ had many other "phrophets oppenents " at that time, but how come these are never mentioned in the bible?
  6. Why was the first testament altered to the new testament-because it was so similar to the Quran??
  7. Christanity spread easily throgh the world through the use of missionaries offer to people at their lowest ebb and with the financial insentives.
  8. Christianity also spread easily because there are no restriction, anybody can practise & beacome a "good christian " & repent, if there are restriction and daily rituals , what moment of everyday life do you actually devote to rememering god!!
  9. Church visiter are declining and sikhsim is on the up, check it out every Sunday in the UK.
  10. How do we know that christ was not born naturally? proof?
  11. All this i have learnnt from from reading books by English scholors and National Geographic channel.
Sikhsism is:
  1. we never had the chance to write our own history as we always fighting and surviving genocide, it was muslims who wrote our history, does the exsist in other relgion
  2. Other religions are mentioned in our history we respect all of them & have no need to justify sikhism
  3. Sikhism is built upon honesty & truth, we always stand up for peoples freedom and never a though for ourselves. 85% of martys for indian indepence were sikhs.
  4. The 5 K's set us apart from any body in the entire world. The Turban not only provides us with an identity but , a cultural identity(we pass on to our kids) and it covers ouruncut hair -3 main point of the turban, this is unique to Sikhs.
  5. GGS is a guide to life , not just the sikh religion. there is nothing like it earth, hence no new testaments.
  6. Guru ka klanger, does this exist ant where else? Sikhism & Gurudware and virtaully totaly self sustained by the sikh community. no other sect of people are capable of this.
  7. we have to do path, comb our long hair etc, that means we actually devote a momment of out lives to God every morning, when we are in times of strife we need him to remember us , so we should remember him and by the way we do this , we take time out for him. This is an ingeneious part of the religion, we think of god every day , not once an month & repent our sins.
these are just some of the quick pointer, believe me , there is a lot more i could go on about. I am not trying the point out that sikhsim is the best, i am trying to defend it against silly aricles as"why i beleive in Christ"

No one has the right to put down another religion, so lets not start now! get your facts right matey.


Sep 20, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Hi everyone , let me get my two bits in here! Having grown up in a sikh family i am very well versed in the religion, and culture. I married a Christian women. I have read both Sri Guru Granth Sahib and The Bible. I believe following either of these religions is awesome. TRUTH, LOVE AND CHARITY. I do believe that slamming other religions is wrong! When any person has faith in the WORD whether it be from the BIBLE or the SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB. they cannot be wrong!
I have had great discussing with christians and sikhs. What i have found to be interesting was that any true sikh or christian actually had a hard time , either denouncing the other religion or speaking bad of it.
My only advise to both sides would be to educate yourself in the religion so you have a better understanding. Don't ever be scared of unveiling the truth.
Jul 10, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Hi everyone , let me get my two bits in here! Having grown up in a sikh family i am very well versed in the religion, and culture. I married a Christian women. I have read both Sri Guru Granth Sahib and The Bible. I believe following either of these religions is awesome. TRUTH, LOVE AND CHARITY. I do believe that slamming other religions is wrong! When any person has faith in the WORD whether it be from the BIBLE or the SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB. they cannot be wrong!
I have had great discussing with christians and sikhs. What i have found to be interesting was that any true sikh or christian actually had a hard time , either denouncing the other religion or speaking bad of it.
My only advise to both sides would be to educate yourself in the religion so you have a better understanding. Don't ever be scared of unveiling the truth.

"Forty4", This is after all a SIKH site!.

If a non-sikh post's, actually more like ramming their conversion tactic's, here on a SIKH Philosophy site, DO YOU EXPECT US SIKH's to SIT ON OUR BACKSIDE and just take it.

Being tolerant is one think but I dont think a son or daughter of Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj believe's in "taking it on the other cheek" bull here.

You stated "true sikh or christian actually had a hard time , either denouncing the other religion or speaking bad of it."

Well then please inform the Christians, Muslims and Hindu's to stop posting their conversion tactics and their proganda on a Sikh site.

You expect the Sikhs not to reply if nonsence's against Sikhi is posted here or on the net.

And if we do then you are basically saying that the Sikhs who replied are NOT TRUE SIKHS?

I think your Christian wife has really done her magic on you!
Mar 22, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Mr. Christian (formally raised a Sikh). The only Christian is one who lives a life of Christ. One who lives in humility, service and love. One who heals by his words, by glorifying the Creator and one who prays unceesingly (Simran)
To see God in all is Christian, Sikh, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Shinto, AmerIndian, African tribal practice. To know one is human is to know one is created in the image of God - LIGHT! I am Light! Human Being!
Its not the human who has the answer, its the One who breathes, sees, and hears in that human being.
The Bible is NOT the word of God. If it were, it would be treated like Siri Guru Granth Sahib is treated. It would not be sold in a common bookstore. It would be the same today as itwas 1700 years ago. The word (bible) means "library of books' from the Latin (Biblioteque)
Funny how the woman can 'hook'. God bless you and your wife. Please stop this intellectual diatribe.
Sikhs would rather see you act Christ-like and frankly don't care to discuss what religion you may be.
God is One. Its the doing of the Creator that makes this all happen.

If you can't see God in All; You can't see God at all

Sat Hanuman Sngh Khalsa

Niku 38

Aug 6, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Great reply Kaur 1! thats way to go !

You are correct we sikhs are not gonna take this lying down!!


Apr 6, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

guru nanak takes all religion as one and equal, they all have one aim, to beome one with god.
mohanned only believes that muslims go to heaven and non muslims go str8 to hell


Feb 5, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Dear Rajs
I praise your effort and time devoted to submit this article. The pity of sikh is that we do not know how to market our religion. We never try to go into lengths to prove ourself right.
i would like to say only one thing it does not make any difference in following any religion as along as you are true to its teaching. Guru Nank Dev Ji never critiszed any religion. He just tried to remove false prpoganda and rituals to free nomal person from the cluches of so called caretakers of religion. At the age of 6 years he was able to ague and convince the leaders of religion of wrong doings.
i think before critising any religion we must study it.
hardeep singh


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Wondefull discussion about our Gurus and Jesues Christ the son of God. Tottaly missunderstood Guru Nanak Dev ji. First of all Guru Nanaka Dev ji never proclaimed in any sense he is a God or representive of God. Guru literally means teacher. Teacher who knows how to worship the God and shown us the ways accordingly , Because He was blessed with all that knowledge. Let us get thing straight that Guru Nanak's teaching shows us how to appreciate and meditate on one creator . He clearly mentioned about God Himself That "KITA NA HOI ,MITHAYA NA JAI ,APE AP NIRANJAN SOI" Finished !no one can describe or suppose or creat The God.

Secondly when jesus was blessed with the same kind of blessing he proclaimed that He is son of God. Of co{censored} we all are childern of God. Every one missunderstood him. He answered the jews when they asked him at the time when He toppled all thier tables the they asked him who are you to distroy our businesses .Do not forget the bible was written from recollections of event and disscussion of Jesus Christ during his stay with his deciples. His followers after when he was put on the cross compiled all the information and written the bible.But there was old testement was written before . but when he was being arrested all 100% His followers ran away with complete denials. he was denied three time by Peter.There you can imagin His followers who saw JESUS CHRIST perfoming 17 miracle in front of their naked eyes ,betrayed him when he was in trouble with Roman authorities. His own followers who saw with naked eyes performing Him the miracles.Roman authority was called upon several time by the jews at the time to crucify Him because he was ruining thier businesses.

Then I do not understand whose sins he died for . Do not tell me for those people who put him on the cross.who was committing the sins. the jews at that time . why he has to die for any ones sins.

Doesn't make any sense.

Guru Nanak dev ji brought all human being under one umberella by declaring no body is bad by birth , People are bad because of their deeds. He abolished cast systems which were killing and discriminating shooders all accross india .cast system was flourishing at that time.

'EK NOOR SE SAB JAG UPJIA KAUN BHALE KAUN MANDE"Where you can find such an examples of spreading oneness among the human beings.

So we are all human being and must folllow our own path as we are directed by each meassnager than throwing all kinds of questions and disrespect about each others.



Oct 18, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Hi Rajs,

I have just joined this forum today and am amazed by your understanding on Christianity. I just wish to ask you this question, did you ever give Sikhism a chance and studying in depth like you did for christianity where you can quote the bible at the tip of your finger tips?

did you ever go in search of the true meaning of a sikh?



Feb 5, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Dear sir
i would like to know more about jesus from you. i hope you will answer my questions.
1. how was jesus born and to whom?
2. why jesus was killed (you may call him martyr but i don't)

I hope you will devote some time to answer these questions. make sure you answer them with some proof not from heresay or psychologically amotional language.

Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

"Forty4", This is after all a SIKH site!.

If a non-sikh post's, actually more like ramming their conversion tactic's, here on a SIKH Philosophy site, DO YOU EXPECT US SIKH's to SIT ON OUR BACKSIDE and just take it.

Being tolerant is one think but I dont think a son or daughter of Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj believe's in "taking it on the other cheek" bull here.

You stated "true sikh or christian actually had a hard time , either denouncing the other religion or speaking bad of it."

Well then please inform the Christians, Muslims and Hindu's to stop posting their conversion tactics and their proganda on a Sikh site.

You expect the Sikhs not to reply if nonsence's against Sikhi is posted here or on the net.

And if we do then you are basically saying that the Sikhs who replied are NOT TRUE SIKHS?

I think your Christian wife has really done her magic on you!

Hindu conversion tactics?
Jul 10, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...


Hindu conversion tactics?

Dear Hindu brother,

RSS and the likes, I meant. Bringing Idols worship and rituals into Sikhi, distortions of history, etc etc..

But you are right, conversion is mostly done by Muslims and Christians.

Kind regards,


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

yes i understand the sikhism . but our Gurus made this so simple , even simple man can understand ,practice sikhism. rules are very clear and path is persue the Nam which takes you accross this life journey to the end. we have clear understanding that "TRUTH IS THE HIGHEST VERTU AND HIGHR IS TRUTHFULL LIVING"

sikhs's life is very simple and circle arround Nam Japna and appreciation of Onkar.knowing about our gurus life span is not that important than what we learned from their preaching and Gur Granth Sahib Ji. but most of us we know from our childhood from our parents and |Gurudwaras the history of sikhs and our Gurus . also our faults by not following what we suppose to follow.still i believe sikhism is the only solution and its f philosphy on which if this world follow there will be very positive selfrespectfull life.

thanks jaspai


Oct 20, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

all you people make me laugh thinking you know about all religions and are comparing each religious finder eg. guru nanak
in gurbani it still however states that we are all equal sikhism -the religion however was established because only the gurus in india stood up to mughal raaj in india


Aug 22, 2005
India, Port Blair
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Rajs - all words - with no meaning
you only talk of confusing stuff filled up in your head.
What I think of christianity - only Jesus is the son and rest all of us are sheep!!!!!!!!- even metaphorically its a load of crap collected over time.


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

please try to understand that we all are God's creation or childerns. God is not am or any thing so there could not be any God's son. we are all simply His creations bad or good. but jessus was blessed with direct powre from the lal mighty which could have happened to any one like other prophits. try to understand keeping your feet on the ground.

there is no man born yet except hese prophits who can talk about the God . there is only one God as every prophit agreed to that. so start loving and respecting your fellow beings regardless of what they belive in. stop imposing one relegion is better than the others. we will have peace in the world.

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