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Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpoint)

Baba ji
The depictions you see are imagry and symbolism. The deity's stance, what he or she is holding or the animals all have meaning.:shy:



May 31, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpo

There's no proof that Jesus didn't die like a mortal other than the BIBLE, which is written by other men, decades after the time of Jesus. What's the point of this article anyway? To convert us to believing in Jesus? To have him save us? Ha.. man this is a laugh!

The only miracle Jesus performed was to convert most of the people on this earth into thinking that he performed any :)


May 1, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpoint)

Is it not so simple to emphatically emphasise the existence of the guru you preach to be the best. I would not run my text into idiotic length but precisely speaking.
For one if they new son of god gonna come in the form of jesus, why would god creat sufferings and then send his so called son of god to sacrifice himself to alleviate the sufferings of people.
Why if he was son of god should v sing his eulogy as he was duty bound to help and bail the people out of problems.
A good smaritian can easily tell you the magnitude of sacrifice is greater by son of god or by a living being, who sacrificed their families even. Jesus was cruxified and being preached as son of god.
Sikh gurus being common human beings enlightened themselves to help other human beings not only by suffering themselves by sacrificing their families in the process as well. Which religion guru would have the guts to send his own son to battlefield {censored}sure of their ultimate fate. To me the thick and thin sikh gurus went through the help reduce the human sufferings infact has infathomable magnitude of sacrifice then jesus.
Even today so many people today are getting themselves cruxified, does christianity preach them as gurus, if not why. Dont they suffer equal amount of pain as jesus did.
sikh gurus gave us written guidance to a life of simple living and high thinking and imbibing a spirit of subtle living and stand up to face cruelity where gentle approach fail to curb the torture.

Jesus cruxified himself and hence sufferings of world ended, fool or cool. sikh devotees, who had his every limb of body chopped of being alive has suffered highest magnitude of pain than anyone in the universe to save the ideological and sacred belief of gurus.
the sentiments and comparative reality expressed here may sound sarcastic and innuendo, so if fit hurts avoid, if touches forgive me as a response to this propogations could not be more polite as this one.


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpo

Sat Sri Akal ji. Your comments are very correct. We have all come from one light and are taught to espect each others. You can take a relegion or Guru nanak's.teaching sikhism beleives strongly.

Jesus Christ said "I am a son of God so as we are . We are all childern of God but if you say 2500 years ego would make you a target of critisiam as there were no education or understading. You proclaim yourself son of God made you diffrent from others to whome Jesus Christ ctrisizes them of their practice on behaf of God.It made them offensive and fianlly all the jews reporetd to local authority which eneded up in crucifiction of Jesus Christ.He rose from the grave it is a diffrent story. question arises why? No body has to show miracle to prove what. Jesus last words were "oh my mater why you have forsaken me"where as Guru Gobind singh ji suffering in Machiwara writing a shabad "mitter piare nu ,hal murida da kehna. yarrer da sano sathur changa bhath kheraian da rehan" Accepetance of all the pains with appreciation came to face . Most of the Guru sacrfice their lives as it was a wish of God and accepted with dignity and happiness .Wahe Guru ji ka khalsa Whae G:wah: uru ji ke fateh.

jaspal singh

max314 said:
So, you choose to follow Christ because you fear death?

Or am I missing something?

The Gurus said that death is no object. It is inevitable and natural and is not evil.

The message behind Christ's resurrection implies that death is bad and must be overcome. It is apparently overcome by connecting oneself with Christ.

This is the type of spiritual blackmail that keeps me away from the Abrahamic faiths and firmly entrenched within Nanakian philosophy of balancing the spiritual and temporal realms of our very nature.

An interesting discussion, and I'd like to hear more views.

We are all sons and daughters of God.

That's the point.

These recollections of the Tenth Master in the Dassam Granth are effectively the same meditations as those of Guru Nanak who taught that worshipping multiple deities and/or performing immoral acts.


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpoint)

Nicely said jaspi ji... There had been many different paths to god, but ido belive sikhism had shown that it is the closest thing yet to god. The gurus taught different things each, and the gurus were god themselves, they became god..and carried on the path to show other people how to deal with life.

The Sri guru granth sahib ji looks like the answer to everything.
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpoint)

Who here does not have a great deal of respect for Jesus' teaching?

"You proclaim yourself son of God made you diffrent from others to whome Jesus Christ ctrisizes them of their practice on behaf of God."

I don't know which criticisms you are talking about, perhaps the money changers in the temple? Well it was a Hebrew tradition but Jesus could see not place for it. I think Jesus was a radical activist. I also believe Jesus was a renunciate guru, well I guess that is obvious. I really don't have any problems with his teachings but I can't say that about his legacy, if you will, I mean it is like a whole post crucifixion industry with heavey myth manipulation or exploitation.. Miracles were not and are not needed to validate his teaching.

So Jesus was a man, A true holy man but a man, a "twice born" man.

Jul 30, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpoint)


Lord Jesus Sahib were Brahgyani Mahapurush and one with God/Akal.


Dec 8, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith(Rajinder Nijjar's Viewpoint)

Hello Mr Rajinder,

You have written a very interesting article. Your article has added on to my knowledge. I am Catholic, I studied Islam and now I'm studying Sikhism.However, my view differs.

Well, I just feel that it is wrong to put a face to God and I do not acknowledge Christ as God. He is a special man by a special birth. He was sent down to earth by God to teach us and guide us...which was exactly what all the prophets did...

I believe that all religions and prophets aim for the same outcome... One God...

I hope I have not offended you in any way.

Sat Sri Akaal
Jun 30, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

Peace be to all of you. Christianity is a religion which has strayed from the truth due to human intervention. go to google video and type ahmed deedat, answer his questions to proove me wrong.


Sep 20, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

Dear Lion King , The best way to answer your question would be for you to read the Christian bible. You will find what is written and you may be better able to understand christianity. Understanding and studing other religions will also make you a stronger sikhi.

The lion king said:
forgive my ignorance, but didnt jesus claim to be the son of god? now i read he was god in flesh?
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

God is in the flesh, in the sky, in the water, He is also existent outside of everything. He is also in you and me. King David said in Psalms that even if he would hide in Hell, God would still be there. Sukhmani Sahib teaches sargun nirgun nirankaar, sun samadhi aap. God is the hukam, everything goes the way it goes, and it is just up to us to flow with the glow of the glory of God, to live truthful, sachiara hoeye.
Jul 30, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...


Book of Issaiah is full of Adavaitism as Sister told about Sukhmani Sahib,Many Christian get the state of Holy Ghost/Brahm Gyan by understadning that but many misinterpreting of Holy Bible occuer.But in case of Gurbani very litle scope of misinterpetaiotn is there.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Guru Granth Sahib says "virlay bujheh" Oh how rare are those who understand. And when they do, "anand bheya meri maya, Satguru me paya." Ang 917

Satguru means "knowledge to be happy, healthy, and successful." Jesus taught that the truth will set you free. He said seek ye first the kindgom of God, and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you." Seeking His kingdom means to learn about reality, to harmonize with His hukam which is all the natural laws of the universe. The means to control the ego. Satan tried to tempt Jesus is a means of communicating to us that we must not measure reality solely by how we feel and perceive things when we are blinded by our 5 vices of ego, anger, lust, over attachment, and pride, etc. When we understand guru gian then live by it, we then benefit from it, and that is the taste of the amrit. For the christians, it is the baptism in the Holy Spirit. For the Sikh, it is the taste of Amrit. "Tal vich tin vastu peyo, sat santokh vichaaro, amrit naam.... Ang 1429. When we eat and digest it, then man tan thivai hareya" mind and body blossom - like the fruits of the spirit. We begin to live proactive lives, and not reactive lives. We become productive contributors to the survival of the human race. Oh I beg you all to study the meanings in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, don't just read paath. You can teach a monkey to read.


Sep 27, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

well rajs, quite pretty much the same here when i got fascinated by jesus once upon a time in my life though i come from a sikh family. then i stopped believing in jesus n moved on to guru nanak for some years, n then mohammed for some years n so on.......sometimes thinking about guru nanak while reading bible, thinking about jesus while reading guru granth sahib n so on.......i noticed that the intuitive flow of eternal knowledge remained the same as long as i remained in a high state of consciousness. this has been my experience.


Oct 8, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Thank you brother,
I was raised Christian Baptist, but I (like Thomas) wanted proof, proof, proof!
Just to see the dynamo of God once. But i knew it wouldn't convince me. I'd see the prophets proclaim the glory of the LORD, but I was deaf to them. I was afraid that God wasn't God. Now, though I see that there is no other God bisides Him.

To the Shikhism board as a whole,
Thank you for allowing me on your site, but I cannot remain. I must return to my own God and His will for me.

Blessed be the Name of the LORD!!

servant of Christ,


Oct 8, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

The phrase "Son of God", as i was taught, is a reference to the relationship between the parts of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three of these are one being (called the self-existant One by the Hebrews), but each is a revelation of God.
Jesus also calls himself "the Son of man", which, i believe, is to say that He is fully God and fully man.
Jul 10, 2006
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

Thank you brother,
I was raised Christian Baptist, but I (like Thomas) wanted proof, proof, proof!
Just to see the dynamo of God once. But i knew it wouldn't convince me. I'd see the prophets proclaim the glory of the LORD, but I was deaf to them. I was afraid that God wasn't God. Now, though I see that there is no other God bisides Him.

To the Shikhism board as a whole,
Thank you for allowing me on your site, but I cannot remain. I must return to my own God and His will for me.

Blessed be the Name of the LORD!!

servant of Christ,

Dear H.T., You sound like a muslim here by saying "I must return to my own God and His will for me." dont you?

All on this earth have only one GOD hence "EK ONGKAR" is the opening statement in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Its a shame that you did not read the Mool Mantar in this forum.

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh
Jul 10, 2006
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

The phrase "Son of God", as i was taught, is a reference to the relationship between the parts of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three of these are one being (called the self-existant One by the Hebrews), but each is a revelation of God.
Jesus also calls himself "the Son of man", which, i believe, is to say that He is fully God and fully man.

Dear H.T,
Unfortunately, your priest also teachers that all Christian's are children of Christ! And Christ is the son of God.!

In Sikhi, we are all children of God.

Dont forget that the words in the Christian Bible are not the direct words as spoken by Jesus. The bible - the old and new testament was not written until hundreds of years later. Same concept applies to Islam.

Even if some lost scrolls are found, Churches do not make them too public as they contradict whats written in the Bible.

Source:The Sikhism Home Page: Sikhism and Other Religions


Salvation for the 'choosen people'. Sikhism believes anyone can achieve salvation irrespective of the religion that they follow if they endear God in their heart and daily actions.
Christian concept of Jesus as son of God. Sikhism regards all as the children of God.
Infant baptism. In Sikhism child baptism into the Khalsa brotherhood is discouraged. One should only become a Khalsa when they are able to fully understand the duties and responsibilities.
Special Day for worship. There is no special day like Sunday or Sabbath for worship.
Heaven and Hell as physical entities. In Sikhism there are no such physical places. Hell is equivalent to the cycles of births and deaths and heaven is equivalent to the soul merging with God.
Priests. Guru Gobind Singh abolished the priestly class making Sikhism free from their weaknesses and egos, the only priest is the Living Guru, the Guru Granth Sahib which contains all the knowledge and which is available for reading by any Sikh.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith...

I grew up in a family of Christians on one side and Sikhs on the other. I was generally caught in the crossfire (pun intended).

To this day, I can make no sense out of Christianity, as I am told that anything I don't understand is a 'mystery' and must simply be accepted - or my loving heavenly father would see to it that I was tortured for all eternity.

I have never been told anything like this by the Sikhs. I have always valued that Sikhi didn't insult my intelligence, such as it is.

Now, in my fifties, I have been forced to slow down. For the first time in my life, I have the chance to take the time to seriously consider these things. I have picked up a lot of information froim this particular thread.

I hope I have not insulted anyone's beliefs in here, but this is actually what I have been told repeatedly.

Thanks to all.
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