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Yogism Why Not Yoga Practices?


Jul 7, 2006
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Good, you folks are doing well and i wish you all the best.

God willing, should one or all of you experience realisation then that will be that, till then i guess it sure is difficult to get things accross to pre-set minds- gunge di mithiai and all that.
May 17, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Jag1t Ji,

untill you log back in again, i humbly request you to jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru--- anant vaar ji, may be you will be able to set your mind to start dessolving, as the requirement for being one signify desolved mind; not preset or postset condition. ta tuhaanu pataa lagega kee taste hai parm aanand di mithiai da.

Guru sahib de kathan- gallee jog na hoe
also Guru Ji says: Anjan Mahe Niranjan raheeay jog jugat iv paaeeay

God willing Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru---Anant vaar

Bhai Gurdas Ji De bachan- Charn sarn gur ek painda jaae chal Satguru kot painda aage hoi let hai
jag1t Ji ik vaar haleemee naal Guru Ji da bachan mann ke dekho.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Jul 7, 2006
Harjap Khalsa ji,

Would like to thank you for your kind suggestion. A glimpse of a genuinely concerned soul is evident.

Yes i have, and am doing jap (anant waar?). As millions have done before, are doing and in all probability will continue to do.

In fact it so happens that this body and mind (of mine) is so conditioned that on a particular physical action the uchharan of waheguru happens (spontaneously).

However is this jaap an end in itself? Or is it a means to an end? If the latter then what is the end? Is this the only means to achieve the end or are there others? What is the methodology of doing jaap, if any? How does one progress towards the end and are there any indications of this progress? Out of the millions involved in jaap how many have achieved the end?Please forgive me because i dont require answers to these questions. They are asked in an attempt to initiate usefull and productive thinking.



P.S. Every religion has its share of fanatics.

P.P.S. Why the jaap of waheguru, why not ekauuumkaar, satnaam or any other divine word or sound (dhwanni - anahat shabadd)?
Last edited by a moderator:
May 17, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Jag1t Ji,

your words
jag1t said:
In fact it so happens that this body and mind (of mine) is so conditioned that on a particular physical action the uchharan of waheguru happens (spontaneously).

Here lies your problem. You are tied to a PARTICULAR PHYSICAL ACTION to do naam jap. It means mind is totally tied to the Iness of your physical Body. You are lost in external transformation, you need to work very hard on internal transformation jag1t. I am glad you posted your problem under this thread, the perfect placement. Read the very first post carefully and with a positive attitude, may be of some assistance.

Only suggestion for you jag1t ji- listen to Gurbani and then start working on the suggestions Guru Ji is providing.

Like how one become sachyaara, Remembering God all the time and so on.
Always remember Guru Ji's words. Do Kirtan, Listen to Kirtan, Nitnem. Listen carefully what you reading. Then FOLLOW GURU JI'S WORDS IN REAL LIFE. Practically live the WORD - you really truly need to work hard on the cleansing process jag1t ji.

Talk to me after you practice the above for some time, you may not need to ask for why not ekomkaar, why waheguru or not, as all these questions only add more malice to the bhandaar of kilbhikh. Love Guru Ji unconditionally.

I hope the above suggestion will help you and you will also be able to have naam jap 24/7 without any physical initiater.

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru- anant vaar

Pauri 38 Japji Sahib:

Jatt paharaa dheeraj sunyaar
ahran matt ved hathyaar
bho khalaa agan tapp tao
bhandaa bhaao amrit {censored} dhaal
ghareeay sabad sachee taksaal
jin kao nadar karam tinkaar
nanak nadree nadar nihaal

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Jul 7, 2006
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Harjap Khalsa ji,

Am glad you feel i have a problem. lol.

Anyway thanks.

Have not come across anyone doing naam jaap 24/7 . If you are doing that then all the power to you.

You have merely side stepped a question asked (and several others).

Please dont get too concerned about what in my case may merely be some sort of reflex action, though there is more to it too. It is actually of no significance.

Ok lets see. Since you had no response to any of the querys, and you are harping on jaap so lets see if we can have a look at what it might be all about:
In most cases jaap is done initially in an audible manner. Subsequently if sufficient concentration is achieved it is done silently (mann hi mann). And should the concentration to the inside (antar) deepen further then The Divine Jaap (anhad shabad / ajaapya jaap) is realised and the doing of jaap is no longer necessary and it stops, becomes silent. Because only the divine jaap is 24/7 there is not any other that jaap can be done 24/7. Please allow me to stop here and leave out the final step - the ceasing of jaap and merging into silence.

Having said this, let me say that no one does anything as there is only one karta. But that is way ahead yet.

In the meanwhile perhaps just this much. Dont do just be - be in His Hukam.



P.S. Anant vaar, please do ponder over the term anant. There cannot be anant vaar there can only be Anant.
Jan 6, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

A Healthy Soul needs a Healthy Mind. A Healthy Mind Needs a Healthy Body. Yoga is such a science that provides a union of all three. Our Gurus have not condemned yoga but the incorrect practice of Yoga. In their conversations with the Yogis Our Gurus have given the true essence of yoga in order to assist them in their journey.

The problem in this forum is that both Members/Moderators sit disguised as students (Sikhs) when in reality they are preachers testing out their ability to impress with their knowledge. These people roam around the net searching for information but have no personal experiences on the matter. This is the reason when conversation gets to a specific level i.e. beyond the level of their understanding they resort to abuse. The doors begin to slam.

As Surinder Kaur ji made a comment on the use of medicine. I agree with her that if a medicine is abused, it will give you negative results and cause more ill effects. Similarly when Yoga is miss-used, it will give you powers that are beyond your control and even cause permanent damage to ones spinal cord. Yog/Yoga can yield several results depending on ones understanding.

The bottom two verses dwells on the wrong intention of the Yogi.

jog isD Awsx caurwsIh ey BI kir kir rihAw ]
jog sidh aasun chouraaseeh eae bhee kar kar rehiaa
He practices the eighty-four postures of Yoga, and acquires the supernatural powers of the Siddhas, but he gets tired of practicing these.
vfI Awrjw iPir iPir jnmY hir isau sMgu n gihAw ]6]
vuddeeaarujaa fir fir junumai har sio sung n gehiaa
He lives a long life, but is reincarnated again and again; he has not met with the Lord. ||6||

Jag1t, I agree with your conclusion

“God willing, should one or all of you experience realisation then that will be that, till then i guess it sure is difficult to get things accross to pre-set minds- gunge di mithiai and all that.”

But this is unlikely to take place in their present life span.

Harjap Khalsa ji,

Perphaps there may be something you may learn from Jag1t than offer him. Being called Khalsa does not make one Khalsa.

Give your ego a rest. Correct your understanding of Gurbani.

Mer muj mein kuj nahi Jo kuj hai so tera, Terar tujko sompte kya lagge mera.
May 17, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

ekmusafir ajnabi ji

I am giving you the same suggestion, as you are also from the same pool. Manmukh nu manmukh hi changa lagda hai.

Most important thing that I have noticed is that you are very alergic to the truth- Gurbani, you either misuse it, or you dont want to use it. You know who will be at a loss. Jeha beejay teha luney.
You are against Surinder, aad0002, myself and others as we only talk about what is written in Gurbani. Gurbani is our Adhaar my friend. A truth, ultimate truth. And as long as I am getting the feeling, all the people you are against, they dont value their own experience as they believe the GURU is ALWAYS RIGHT. We are living with that truth as our full and final support forever. Guru Ji always correct us if we even think of taking a wrong step. How can you know the taste of that when you are not even ready to have a look at it. It is only Guru Ji, not i me mine- haumay naavey naal virodh hai doi na vassey ik thaaey.


jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Anant Vaar.

Jag1t ji anant te anant vaar ch koi farak nahee.

Ekmusafir Ajnabi Ji and Jag1t Ji, both of you

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Anant Anant vaar

Guru Sahib kehnde ne- ik do jeebho lakh hohe lakh hove lakh bees lakh lakh gera aakheeay ek naam jagdis

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant anant vaari

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Jul 7, 2006
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices


ekmusafir_ajnabi ji and harjap khalsa ji,

Thankyou for your responses.

Ok lets try this approach. Moving from the better known to the lesser, moving from the accepted by almost every one to that which most people are not quite sure about and only the rarest of the rare have experienced.

That is to say starting with the physical body (sharir,deh) onto mann (chitta) and then tothe individual soul (rooh,aatma) and finally to God (nirankar,rabb,parmatma, waheguru or by whatever name called).

The physical human body is generally known and accepted by all. That it has come into being, grows and changes, is ill or well, and will finally not be are facts. Its physical constituents and functions as well as mental,psychological and emotional functioning is mostly known and generally accepted.

What is not clear are the non-physical aspects. The nature and purpose of life, the existence or lack of a soul and its nature are topics not always agreed upon. The aspect of something beyond individual life and soul, the universal aspect, is the final link which is to be fathomed/experienced.

"The problem in this forum is that both Members/Moderators sit disguised as students (Sikhs) when in reality they are preachers testing out their ability to impress with their knowledge. These people roam around the net searching for information but have no personal experiences on the matter. This is the reason when conversation gets to a specific level i.e. beyond the level of their understanding they resort to abuse. The doors begin to slam."
Musafir ji thanks for the above.Very aptly put. Makes things so clear.

Harjap ji there is nothing like allergy to Gurbani, without a doubt it is absolutely enlightening. But mere mechanical reading and extensive quotes without understanding, acceptance and imbibing of the essence leads no where. Parr parr gaddi ladiye...

So. Not many people have read and fully understood The Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (SGGS). Neiher is it possible for each and every one to do so. Options therefore maybe for an individual to either take just one line (tuk) of this Great Granth, and 'surrender' to it. The other is to find the essence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This essence can perhaps be said to be the 'Mool Mantra'. Further the essence of the Mool Mantra too may be taken as 'Ikaauuunkaar'. And finally the ultimate essence 'Ik'.

Take the Ik and you have all.

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant anant vaari

Is the mere mechanical parrot like repetition of a word going to achieve anything. Unless the body, mind and soul, indeed the entire being is to become that word. What use is the namaaz when the mind is purchasing horses...

And please give due consideration to 'Anant'. No action in a mere limited lifetime can even remotely be thought of in terms of anant.


May 17, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

jag1t ji,

i again say the same thing to you- iko gal hai

jap jap and jap without counting-Anant vaari Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru

Waheguru Tera Sabh Sadkaa, Ekmusafir Ji te Jag1t Ji, Guru Ji De Pawan Bachan Ne-
boojhey naahee ek sudhakhar oho saglee jhaakh jhakhaaeeay

It appears: you are talking like you know all, but you dont know even the basic.

Satgur De charana ch haleemee naal apnaa sir jhukavo my friends, only then you can know what it is like. Me, Mine Mera leave this egoistic nature.

jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru- lakh lakh gera aakheeay ek naam jagdish et raah pat pavdeeay chadeeay hoi ekees

again remember jap Waheguru waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant anant vaar, do and listen kirtan

Guru Ji De Bachan- fir chade divas gurbani gaave

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Jan 6, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Harjap Khalsa ji,

I am giving you the same suggestion, as you are also from the same pool. Manmukh nu manmukh hi changa lagda hai.

Here stands another preacher. My previous comment emphasised here.

Most important thing that I have noticed is that you are very alergic to the truth- Gurbani, you either misuse it, or you dont want to use it. You know who will be at a loss. Jeha beejay teha luney.

No allergic reaction if it were the truth-Gurbani. My allergy is to its misuse and misinterpretation. If only you had a better understanding.
You are against Surinder, aad0002, myself and others as we only talk about what is written in Gurbani.

I have nothing against anyone. Respected aad002 ji is the most level headed person I have come across in this forum. Who accepts her short falls and is willing to learn and be corrected and the same goes for drkhalsa. Be a Sikh (a student) when issues go beyond your level of understanding instead of showing arrogance.

Gurbani is our Adhaar my friend. A truth, ultimate truth. And as long as I am getting the feeling, all the people you are against, they don’t value their own experience as they believe the GURU is ALWAYS RIGHT.

Gurbani may be your Adhaar, I take your word for it but on the contrary it appears as if you are hiding your weaknesses behind it and using Gurbani as a shield. Yes, I agree it is the ultimate truth but you show a distinct lack of understanding. Guru is indeed right but to understand Gurus message one needs his blessing. Your appear to be devoid of that blessing. Your whole approach is incorrect. You have come here to preach and not share. Sharing is to listen to others point of views and ask question and then put your thoughts and points of views forward and be equally prepared for criticism. I value my experience because it has been blessed upon me by my Gurus.

We are living with that truth as our full and final support forever. Guru Ji always correct us if we even think of taking a wrong step.

How can you live the truth when you lack understanding and do not appreciate what Guru has given to you. How many personal visitations have you had from our Gurus. Are are you yet waiting to be corrected.

How can you know the taste of that when you are not even ready to have a look at it. It is only Guru Ji, not i me mine-

Are you no talking on behalf of Guru ji. Are you now in a position to make judgments as well. So what ever you utter should automatically be taken as Guru ji’s word.

haumay naavey naal virodh hai doi na vassey ik thaaey.

You have just spewed this “tuk” but do you really understand it. It really describes you well.

This reminds me of Hindi Film Dialogues. Punjabi translated into English in the following sentence. I travel alone. I came on this earth alone and shall depart on my own. I need no company. I am nobody to enhance you lack of understanding you came with. It is in the hands of our Gurus. You need to seek their blessing.
jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Anant Vaar.
Jag1t ji anant te anant vaar ch koi farak nahee. Ekmusafir Ajnabi Ji and Jag1t Ji, both of you
Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Anant Anant vaar

Please follow your own advice and get somewhere before you take up the stage again.

For you information doing Jap is in his Hukam and not in a mortals hand. Those he blesses shall only do Jap and not on your say. As I said before put your own Haumein on leash.

Guru Sahib kehnde ne- ik do jeebho lakh hohe lakh hove lakh bees lakh lakh gera aakheeay ek naam jagdis

Now do you really understand the depth of this tuk. It is totally out of context here. Please follow your own advice and get somewhere before you take up the stage again.

Jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant anant vaari

Anant war jap is not necessary. Doing it just once can be Good enough but how to do it is the key. But for you keep working on Hit and Miss.

Finally, Guru ji has given you an apt name. Let your own name be a reminder that you need to do "HarJap = Jaap of Har" for your internal cleansing. As the saying goes “Khotey nu loon devo te oh kehnda hai ki mere kunn putte ja rehe ne”. One day with the blessing of Guru ji you may see light. Until then

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

PS This is my first and last conversation with you. I do not wish to waste my precious time on small talk with you.
May 17, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

ekajnabi ji,

ekmusafirajnabi said:
This is my first and last conversation with you. I do not wish to waste my precious time on small talk with you.

In my opinion, for a GurSikh Gurbani Vichaar cannot be small talk. Well, I cannot change your opinion. Your Choice Ji.

In answer to your comments:

Guru is Supreme-

Mai andhuley ki tek tera naam khundkaara
Gur ka bachan base ji naaley
Gurbani gavo bhai
Bani veechaareeay jeeo

again and again Guru Ji says the same thing:

naam jap, haumai maar, shabad veechaar kar-----

so I humbly repeat and remind all of us

jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant vaar

karta purkh/ekomkaar/Waheguru/Satguru is taking care of all

Guru sahib de pavan bachan
mere gun ogan na beechaareyaa
prabh apnaa bird smaareeya
kanth laaee ke rakheeuan lage na tatti vaao jeeo

jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru anant anant vaar ji

Ekmusafir ajnabi ji this is not preaching, this is Sangat, Gurmat veechaar.
And Dhan Guru Nanak Ji De Bachan Siri JapjiSahib Pauri 32- is totally what we should be talking:

ik do jeebho lakh hohe lakh hove lakh bees
lakh lakh gera aakheeay ek naam jagdis
et rah patt pavareeay chadeeay hoi ekees
sun galla akaas ki keeta aaee rees
nanak nadree paaeeay koore kooree dhees

jap Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Anant vaari

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Respected participants in this debate

An Australian Sikh and friend who is a moderator on a forum on another web site explains that the role of the moderator is to be moderate. Not Easy.

The best thing about this debate is that it is a debate. Participants are responding to comments made by another individual. Instead of responding to what they imagine someone else is thinking. So we are not discussing our delusions.

The worst thing? There is a lot of manmukh-name-calling going on here. Let us assume for the sake of argument that we are all manmukh.

“The true Sikh is the living yogi, for he lives unattached in the midst of Maya.” (Var, 29-15) Bhai Gurdas

Why not re-boot the conversation on the assumption that there is legitimacy on both sides of the debate? We can find God eating a sandwich under a tree. So why is it necessary to perform yogic practices to find God through simran? Harjap and Surinder ji and ji know the Guru Sahib cold. I admire their ability to find support for this perspective in the ever so many verses they have quoted. Jag1t is propounding another perspective, and is taking heavy fire. He has not yet called for a truce. His point is that the naad of simran is enhanced when yoga is used to steady the mind (I think that is what he is saying). There are others whose experience is that simran unaided is the best way to focus the mind for prayer.

Now why are there are these points of view?

Ekmusafir ji, my head is not level. It is flat, flattened from pounding it on my desk with each new lesson to learn here on the forum. Please do not leave this discussion. We will miss your keen powers of expression.


Jul 7, 2006
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Dear aad ji,

Nice to know that you are the moderator. Sorry, didnt know as you didnt appear to be so. However you probably have made up for it all in your effort in your latest post.

Yes, the job of a moderator is often difficult. But i must say you have made an excellent effort.

“The true Sikh is the living yogi, for he lives unattached in the midst of Maya.”

This single tuk says a lot. Those who know Yog know that living unattached in the midst of Maya is also what Yog is about.

Those who are not understood (and therefore not accepted) are often called names or worse. Dare i mention Jesus, the Prophet and the Sikh Gurus.

As for me i have no problem at all with 'taking heavy fire' or whatever. There is no need of a cease fire because there is no war. It takes atleast two to fight. So lets carry on with the 'discussion'.

Appreciate your effort to see my point of view too. However afraid thats not quite it. Jaap, simran, yog and lots of other things are all the same. Sure that this will get me a lot of flak. lol.

Steadying the mind, focusing the mind and such other things are also part of the same.

There is only One and nothing but the One.


May 17, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Sangat ji,

Guru ji De pawan shabad:
khat darsan jogi sanyaasi bin gur bharm bhulaaey
satgur saivey ta gat mit paave har jeeo mann vassaey
sachi bani seo chit laagey aavan jaan rahaaey

Without true Guru, people get lost in all the wastefull activities.

Gurbani gavo bhai
oh safal sadaa sukhdaaee
nanak naam dheyaaea
purab likhyaea paayaaea

karmi aapo apni ke nere ke door
jini naam dheaaya gaey musakat ghaal

Jap Jap and Japi javo Anant Vaar Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
Gurbani Vicharo, Gurbani hirde ch vassaao- jeevo
satgur ki aagyaa sat sat kar mano Ji

Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Wahejeeo

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Thanks then Jag1t. It appears that I did not understand. Indeed, yoga is one way that I "work on my inner self" for want of a better expression, but it is not the same as jap or simran, or even in the same category. If yoga accomplishes anything for me it is a kind of leveling out of perceptions. Quiet ensues. But yoga never even equals nam simran in terms of spiritual and psychological results. Just a short nam simran, maybe 10 minutes, has an impact that 30 minutes of yoga cannot achieve. And simran doesn't require any lead-in.

Ekmusafir, I like your new avatar.
Jan 6, 2007
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Reaspected aad002 ji,

Many thanks for admiring my avatar.

Jap or Naam Simran and Yoga are all interrelated. But I do not wish to disturb your own understanding on that. Our Gurus are intending to prepare us to merge into the Ocean but for some reason, due to ones Past Karmic blindness/inadequacies, just cannot see the light and are happy to stay in the darkness of their small well.

Yoga refers to a state of mind wherein thoughts and feelings are held in check. This too is the case when you do Naam Jap or Simran. One passes through the same zone and experiences the same that is if one has. All other experiences are a figment of ones imagination based on what you hear and idle gossip.

“The true Sikh is the living yogi, for he lives unattached in the midst of Maya.” (Var, 29-15) Bhai Gurdas

Even after reading this verse by Bhai Gurdas one still does not want to take ones blindfold off then it is indeed ones misfortune.

I would like to leave a small reminder:

“One is chosen by Parmatma to do Naam Simran. No one has the ability to do so otherwise. When you indulge into Naam Simran, it is God within you that is active . Never think that you have the ability to do anything on your own.

“Jab eh kehat ki main kish karta, Tabb eh Garab Jon mein firta”

Having said that one should keep practicing in sehaj avastha so that when your turn comes as a chosen one then your Mind and Body are both ready for the journey.

So aad002 ji, your 10 minutes on Simran and 30 Minutes of Yoga add up to 40 minutes on your self tuning.
Good Luck with your journey.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

ekmusafir ji

Everything in your comment is moving- a gift really. And I hope that all who read what you have said will consider it encouragement to continue on their journey.


Jul 7, 2006
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Ek musafir ji,

Appears you have a better grasp of the subject then others. But are you stopping short?

Aad 002 ji am glad you are picking up from musafir ji. As it is you are an admitted seeker and may be a sadhak too. So all the best in your efforts.

There is only One and nothing but the One.





1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices


You should say, aad0002, shhh!!!!!!, quiet!!!! you talk to much, endless stream of babble, the universe is too noisy already.

BUT, the subject of yoga turns out to make a great debate. There are already clear statements against yoga, and statements that say it won't do any good. Yet there are many followers of Shabd Guru who are dedicated yogis and yoginis. So that makes for good discussion. How does it happen?


Jul 7, 2006
Re: Why Not Yoga Practices

Aad0002 ji,

How right you are! Silence. And then (in some cases) out of the Silence flow the words...

True and pure Yog is (ultimately) just that - Silence.

As for the Universe. It is what it is, and thats just fine.

Regards and may you progress,

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