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Islam Sikh-Muslim Marriages


Feb 16, 2009
Surrey, BC, Canada
Sikhs or for that matter people of other religions should not marry Muslims without being fully aware of the ins and outs of Islam,in particular the Sharia .Women must know What Islam says about threir status as a human being.Read 'The Truth about Muhammad 'by Robert Spencer' fora quick insight into life of Islams Prophet.For day to day happeninigs check out jihadwatch.org.You can googl it.


Nov 8, 2008
sikh girls marrying Hispanics,balcks, and white??? most of the Sikh girls here go to India to get married and talking about Hipanic girls 3 of my cousins are married to Hispanic girls and surprisingly all 3 of my cousins wives know Punjabi cuz they learnt it in Collage and High School... the Sikh girls that marry Hispanics,blacks and white are already Whitewashed they cut their hair,drink,smock and do other thing against Sikh relgion so who cares who or what they marry when they are not even Sikhs


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
asif-imarat ji

Welcome to SPN and it is amazing that your style of posting is so similar to the style of another member, I can't remember who. Maybe it will come to me. aad0002


May 15, 2008
I came to know one young Sikh lady in 38 yrs old. She was involved with one Muslim guy for last 12 yrs. he was married with four children but he never said a word to that woman when they were dating. She got pregnant with his child then he decides to get marry in Mosque with no proper paper. Later we found out he was never divorced from his first wife. He used to beat her up when ever she asked for money for her kids.

All of sudden he left her with two kids and used all her savings. She doesn't know what to do! She has no home to go because her parents kicked her out when she was involved with this Muslim guy.

Now he doesn't support her in any way. What she should do?

Can any one suggest what to do?

Guefateh Parwaan JI
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May 19, 2008
All of you, We are Sikh we all belongs to One Guru Guru Granth Sahib Ji
We all have to follow the Rehit Maryada No matter what
We all have to search our soul what we want what Gurbani said
Look in to the shabad from our only one Guru Granth Sahib ji and you will find the answer to that but you have to be in to it.
Muslims: it depends on the family how they raised there children no matter what religion they are in.
Now in these days even if you go on Shaadi.com you can write on your profile SIkh but you will see most of the Muslims replied you back.
They are searching for Sikh Girls why, we all have to search our soul.
Thank you

:happykaur:Happy Seasons Greeting to you all:happykaur:


May 19, 2008
Bhagat Singh Veer JI,

YOu are right we shouldn't be useing a ???? word but all our Gurudwara's are in this cast system. they do not let any other cast become as a member they will fight they will not vote for any other cast than there own.
I know few Gurudwara managment here in Ontario they will not let any other cast become as Preseident or even a member because they have majority in there house hold but I do aggree with you we shouldnt be using a Jatt word
Bhul Chuk Maaf
B Kaur:welcome:


Jul 23, 2004
I came to know one young Sikh lady in 38 yrs old. She was involved with one Muslim guy for last 12 yrs. he was married with four children but he never said a word to that woman when they were dating. She got pregnant with his child then he decides to get marry in Mosque with no proper paper. Later we found out he was never divorced from his first wife. He used to beat her up when ever she asked for money for her kids.

All of sudden he left her with two kids and used all her savings. She doesn't know what to do! She has no home to go because her parents kicked her out when she was involved with this Muslim guy.

Now he doesn't support her in any way. What she should do?

Can any one suggest what to do?

Guefateh Parwaan JI
:happysingh:Well! What city is she in?
What qualifications does she have?
What life standard does she still hope for?
What level of Sikhis does this 'Sikh' girl want to follow?
Get back to me at Personal Email Address Deleted for Privacy and Saftey Reasons and I can DO something if I like the answers to above.

J Singh ji Please do not post personal email addresses for the privacy and safety of both parties. Do use our private messaging system. Thank you, Narayanjot Kaur.


May 15, 2008
:happykaur: J Singh Veer Jeo
#1) She is in Kitchener/Waterloo area
#2) She has finish the high School plus she has done some courses
#3) She start doing Path very day
#4) She has started to wear our Sikhi Kra and start learning the meanning of it
#5) She wants to give her three daughter the best decent sikhi life
#6) She accepted her mistakes from Past and she want to move on and let other to aware off the mistake she made.
Thank you
Gurfateh Parwaan JI
BHul Chuk Maaf


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Last week I looked at 'You Tube' searched under the term 'Sikh girls' there was Sikh girl who had converted into Islam she was interviewed by an organisation that exists purely to assist Muslim converts. This young girl gave her reasons why she became a Muslim, it was very interesting, it was the total lack of support she had from her family and community. She felt confused and lonely and just wanted someone to listen and support her, she certainly got that from an structured organisation.

Where is the structured support converts to Sikhi? Who can Sikh teenage girls talk to? Where are the role models? Even in Sikh media and events it is predominately men, men and more men. Discussions in Sikh media channels have little to do with women and the issues they face.

Gurmit Kaur ji

Yes.........and I have the same questions.


May 15, 2008
Gurmit Kaur ji
Gurfateh Parwaan JI

:happykaur:You are right. All the news media new papers even our Gurudwara's no matter where you go, No ones are there for Teenagers girls to talk yes to whom they should talk to!
This is very big Question and concern I have in fact we all should have.

I wanted to start Group of young teen girls who can talk to each other share there feelings. If you have any suggestion, please girls like you we would like to talk further how we can keep our children’s open and save them from going to other religion!

I am trying my level best to guide them who ever I noticed need my help
Some time girls can not talk to there parents that is why they go out and share there daily living life problem

Well do let me know what we can do
Thank you and


Jul 23, 2004
Thank you!
Does she have a job or is she seeking employment?
We are a Sikh Cultural educational institute. We are a K-12 school with 30 employees. Last year alone we charged no fees to single parent children [$73000 fro the year] and helped in many 'other' ways.
We are NOT doing enough but slowly we want to do ten times more than this.

Not only can we give free education we can also offer employment to the mother within the school .We are in Edmonton. We would ask nothing in return except seriousness to get her life [miri-piri] back on track.
We will help but we will make her useful in society.
Pay would be more than enough to survive provided that she can do Teacher Assistant duties-ie photocopying, marking etc.


May 19, 2006
Yes, everything happens with Hukam, but my muslim brother, you are talking sarcastically. Would you obey His Hukam if your daughter marry a non muslim and denounce Islam?
Also you mentioned you made your sons Islamic scholars. Here is point to think. Most of families in UK are working hard to make a living and your kids are choosing 'Islamic studies' as a career.

Great words... and straight to the point.... in the previous post too.These are truths and will continue to be true atleast in my lifetime. No ifs and buts. No liberal.... only Muslim:whisling:. No, no music please!
Jan 29, 2010
In the UK there is supossedly an 'epidemic' of Sikh girls marrying Muslim men.

In Canada, it is apparently the other way around. Muslim girls are marrying Sikh men.

Not sure about the US.

Does anyone know of any instances of Sikhs marrying Muslims (male or female)? What were the main issues/consequences/repercussions?

I know in Canada there may be a few 'Muslim' girls who have married outside of their faith because they were involved in prostitution before settling down so it would have been particularly difficult for them to marry within their own community, hence they look 'outside' but this begs the question why would a Sikh male NOT want to marry a girl from his own religion? I mean that's the whole idea of bringing up a kid in your faith.... is there something you don't like about your own women ? On another thread I read a discussion about how tasty halal meat seems to be ? I mean c'mon ?

In Iran, girls (and guys) always take pride in their own community

Khoda Nagador
Jan 29, 2010
So you are basically saying that Sikh women will marry anybody as long it's not a Muslim or Sikh??????

If so, then this means that Sikh women in India will most likely marry a Hindu.

All I have to say about this is wow! I am shocked to hear about this happening in India.

Anyway, I don’t know about the UK, but here in Toronto (Canada), Muslim women (especially the Pakistani ones) do date/marry Sikh men (usually the clean shaven/non-turban wearing Sikhs). It is kind of common to see a Muslim woman dating a Sikh man here in Toronto.

Yeah, they are the one's who sleep around, and I'm getting more confused by the minute as to what the Sikh view is on those who sleep around? Or Drink? Or eat the non-proscribed food etc....At least it seems either there is a strong lack of consistency or that its 'diversity' makes it ok to sleep around...but that may go some way as to explaining why you probably dont want to marry sikh women ? :confused:
Jan 29, 2010
I'm not a 'sister' bro...

Zahim, Zaeem or Zaim is a guy's name, I know in Sikhism you don't differentiate between m/f names :crazy:

As to your question, men and women both are allowed to pray in the mosque in the same Jama’ah. When men and women are together in the Mosque then we should have first men’s lines behind the Imam, then children and then women. This is the way Muslims used to pray behind the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). He did not make or ask his companions to have a curtain or wall between the lines of men and women.

According to the Shari’ah it is not required to have a partition, neither of temporary nor of permanent nature, between men and women in the Masjid.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Zahim ji

It might be helpful if you made a list of all your questions and posted them in one thread. Or if you like, send them to me and I can post them.

The advantage would be that we could then answer you personally, and also direct you toward readings that we have linked right here at SPN to clear up some of your confusion.
Jan 29, 2010
I don't think this is about womens roles in Islam, this topic is about mixed marriages...

I would like to answer your point but I hope someone would have the courtesy to answer my points raised first...

I know in Canada there may be a few 'Muslim' girls who have married outside of their faith because they were involved in prostitution before settling down so it would have been particularly difficult for them to marry within their own community, hence they look 'outside' but this begs the question why would a Sikh male NOT want to marry a girl from his own religion? I mean that's the whole idea of bringing up a kid in your faith.... is there something you don't like about your own women ? On another thread I read a discussion about how tasty halal meat seems to be ? I mean c'mon ?

In Iran, girls (and guys) always take pride in their own community

I'm getting more confused by the minute as to what the Sikh view is on those who sleep around? Or Drink? Or eat the non-proscribed food etc....At least it seems either there is a strong lack of consistency or that its 'diversity' makes it 'ok' :thumbup: to sleep around...but that may go some way as to explaining why you probably don't want to marry sikh women ?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I don't think this is about womens roles in Islam, this topic is about mixed marriages...

I would like to answer your point but I hope someone would have the courtesy to answer my points raised first...

I know in Canada there may be a few 'Muslim' girls who have married outside of their faith because they were involved in prostitution before settling down so it would have been particularly difficult for them to marry within their own community, hence they look 'outside' but this begs the question why would a Sikh male NOT want to marry a girl from his own religion? I mean that's the whole idea of bringing up a kid in your faith.... is there something you don't like about your own women ? On another thread I read a discussion about how tasty halal meat seems to be ? I mean c'mon ?

In Iran, girls (and guys) always take pride in their own community

I'm getting more confused by the minute as to what the Sikh view is on those who sleep around? Or Drink? Or eat the non-proscribed food etc....At least it seems either there is a strong lack of consistency or that its 'diversity' makes it 'ok' :thumbup: to sleep around...but that may go some way as to explaining why you probably don't want to marry sikh women ?

Prostitution? ? I doubt that very much. Immigrant families tend to be hard working and respectable for the most part, however I can see why families would label their children outside their faith (culture) with such terms.

I have met many Iranian Muslims and I must admit I do find them really cultured and a lot different from Arabs. Very broad minded people, and not like the stereo type you see in the media. Infact most Punjabi's are probably Iranian settlers who took lands from teh Dravidians. It could be said the caste system was set up to maintain that "Iranian/Aryan" racial purity. I know for a fact Iranians would go mental if their son or daughter married a non-Iranian (albeit a Muslim one). It would be seen as polluting their bloodlines.

As for the rest of the questions, I think every community have people will lax morals, and on the contrary.

Sikhs especially in the UK are prone to be the most endogamous when it comes to marriage (I will try and dig the report up).


I don't think that thread was about how tasty Halal meat was btw, if you did think that, then you must learn to read more closely.